Dallas Web Design, SEO Services, SEO Analyst Expert, Digital Marketing
Commercial work completed for clients and companies from 1996 to 2016, From New York City, Dallas Texas to California. A wide range of projects from print media, corporate identity, photography, User Interface design, Website production, SEO Analyst Services, Flash Animation, and game design. Keith Kapple is an expert in the latest digital Marketing techniques, stays on top of current trends and maintains state-of-the-art digital imaging capabilities, Interactive Strategy and SEO trends. See the individual galleries for Websites, Gaming, Mobile, Print Work and Digital Illustrations below. Keith Kapple has been an independent stock photographer for Superstock since 2000 as well as Getty Images, Corbis, Alamy and AGE Fotostock. Supplying the market with images from all over American, Canada and Brazil as well as conceptual illustrations. Keith Kapple is also both a Photography and Photoshop instructor.
Being in the web industry since 1999, I’ve worked as an Art Director, UX/UI designer, and SEO expert. Overseeing the design and production of well over 1,500 websites as an Art Director over the years has brought me an invaluable wealth of experience across numerous industries. Below are just a few of my favorites designs I have created that represent completely different styles. On of my best performing clients website shows up on page one with SEO for over 60 different keywords. As of December 2015, the Interface Security site now has 200 keywords ranked on page one with Google. This is after nine months of an aggressive SEO strategy.
Print And Gaming
As both an Art Director and Marketing Director, I have been involved designing print media projects since the mid 90’s. Everything from POP displays, complete trade show booths and material, book covers, logo’s plus any and all collateral pieces you could dream up. Designing across various industries also landed me a position as an Art Director at a small gaming company where I oversaw the complete production of all game elements. Was in direct control over all designs of the gaming interface, level environment design and textures used for three completely different game genres .
I started my graphics career when photoshop first came out. Since then I have created countless Photo manipulated images and illustrations. Down the road these have won awards and have been published and sold around the word thanks to Superstock, Corbis and Alamy images. Some illustrations are theme based, others are straight from the subconscious in a surrealist style. The creative freedom these represent has long been the driving force of all the media mediums I have used to this day.